Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The care and feeding of a backyard ice rink

After thinking I had missed my chance to put it up this year, last week I constructed the back yard rink. This is it's fourth season, though last year's edition was an engineering failure, and turned out to be too warm all winter, anyway.

The big cold snap over the last 4 or 5 days has it frozen solid. It's been too cold to skate on it in the evenings with negative wind chills, so no skating prior to yesterday's snow piling up on it. I got home too late last night to scrape it off, and didn't do so this morning either...which meant today's sun turned a portion of it to slush. Which then froze. I'd say a good 15% is presently unskatable. The whole rink now needs some serious attention with the hose. It's supposed to be 3 tonight, so I think we'll be back in business tomorrow evening.

More on this as the rink progresses. The trial and error process of this takes years... :)

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